
How We Work

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Renewable Obligation Certificates

ROCs provide necessary proof that a certain amount of electricity has been generated from renewable sources. Energy suppliers are required to collect these certificates to meet government-set targets for renewable energy production. Without them, organizations can expect to pay a penalty. This system encourages the production and use of renewable energy, helping to reduce carbon emissions and combat climate change.

Renewable Energy Guarantees of Origin

Choosing energy backed by Renewable Energy Guarantees of Origin means that consumers and businesses can directly support the growth of renewable energy projects, leading to an increase in green energy production and a decrease in reliance on fossil fuels. This choice has vital environmental benefits but also supports the economy by investing in sustainable energy industries and creating green jobs. REGOs offer you the clarity and assurance that your energy comes from 100% renewable sources. These certificates are your green energy passport, empowering you to make informed choices about the energy you consume or invest in, promoting a sustainable energy ecosystem.

Renewable Gas Guarantees of Origin

The role of RGGOs is to signify the renewable origin of your gas consumption. Each certificate represents gas produced from renewable resources, ensuring that your gas usage supports environmental sustainability and advances the transition to a greener economy.


Biomethane presents a compelling opportunity for trading, offering a renewable, carbon-neutral energy source that aligns with global sustainability goals and carbon trading markets. Its versatility and compatibility with existing natural gas infrastructure enable easy distribution and varied applications, from power generation to vehicle fuel. Financially, biomethane production is bolstered by economic incentives and policy support, enhancing its viability and attractiveness to investors.

International Renewable Energy Certificates

The International Renewable Energy Certificate (I-REC) is a transferable document representing the characteristics of renewable energy generation. Its purpose is to improve transparency and accountability in the renewable energy market by separating the renewable attributes from the physical electricity. When a renewable energy facility produces electricity, corresponding I-RECs are generated.

Guarantees of Origin

A Guarantee of Origin (GoO) is a certification that verifies the source of renewable energy production, and confirms its environmental attributes such as low carbon emissions or sustainable sourcing. It provides transparency and assurance to consumers regarding the origin and environmental impact of the energy they consume.

Low Carbon Financing

We work with project developers looking to raise capital to either start or scale their projects. Our core focus remains in the Voluntary Carbon Market but our network of investors that consists of instiutional and private capital who look to at all Low Carbon solutions.

Voluntary Carbon

Climate change and the transition to Net Zero will dominate economic activity for decades to come. Increasing numbers of corporations are utlising the use of Carbon Offsets in their overall emission reduction strategies to help offset residual emissions. Holborn Trading works with all types of business to create bespoke offset programs to suit specific requirements around technology, geography and price.

How We Work

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More about us

Consultation Process

We begin by conducting an initial consultation to understand your needs and objectives.


Collaboration & Support

Throughout our partnership, we provide ongoing support and collaboration to ensure your success.


Market Insight

Leverage our deep market expertise and insights to make informed decisions.


Continuous Improvement

We constantly strive to improve our services and adapt to changing market dynamics.

The Maths

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7 Languages

Covering all major European markets, and speaking over seven languages across the team, we specialise in connecting clients across borders to maximise liquidity opportunities

150 Clients

Working closely with 150 clients and growing everyday

10 Years

The team are highly skilled individuals with over a decade of experience in brokering renewable products

Holborn Insights

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Holborn Trading announces Pricing and Trading Screen
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A new record for Carbon Credits in Q4 2023
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A new record for ROC’s in Q3 2023
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Diam integer a in arcu elit mauris ultrices diam. In porttitor ac hendrerit sollicitudin morbi sed vel. Vivamus sed integer ut fusce rhoncus. Aliquam maecenas sapien lectus.

Meet the team

As a client who uses Holborn Trading for trading certificates, my experience has been nothing short of exceptional. The team has a profound understanding of the UK renewable energy market.

Their commitment to transparency and efficiency stood out.

Energy Trader - Power Markets

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